6 Important Ways You Can Be The Best In Any Industry

Posted: January 15, 2016 in Uncategorized
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Here are six steps on how you can be the
best in any industry :
1. Be obsessed
The obsession begins when you decide on your dream.
For the past 5 years, my film director is obsessed with
creating and directing films . When he first started he
had no idea what to do. He purchased his first camera
on Gumtree and is completely self-taught. He is now
directing his third film and has received funding from a
major film company.
Aim to know everything about your industry, teach
yourself new skills, develop your unhidden talents,
focus on self-study, research, enroll in a course, inspire
others, and network like there is no tomorrow – go out
of your way to meet others in your industry. Become
the no 1 Expert in your industry so people think of you
2. Become exceptional
Give your absolute best every day and serve people to
the best of your ability. High-achievers genuinely want
to make a difference in people’s lives and serve at the
highest level to solve problems. Everything you do is to
be completed to the highest standards.
There are no exceptions or excuses – no one cares if
you are tired, sick, dealing with personal issues or
haven’t had a holiday for 2 years. Deal with it!
Strengthen your mind and body to be the best version
of yourself. Live each day like it’s your last.
3. Plan to be in it for the
long haul
Patience and perseverance keeps you in the game.
Write down your strategy, goals and set up a yearly
plan. What do you need to do on a yearly, monthly,
weekly and daily basis. Focus on 3 main priorities daily
that create the biggest impact.
Plan for the future, whilst remaining focused on the
present moment. Focus on being engaged in your
present activity whether you are in a sales meeting,
talking to a client, or creating a proposal. Remember,
no one in the world is an overnight success no matter
how it might appear.
4. Learn to shut out the
Delete unimportant emails, screen phone calls, limit
social media, stay away from family dramas, and
decline social events. To be the best requires making
sacrifices others take for granted. With all the
distractions in the modern world, you need to develop
the ability to tune out. If you are not prepared to do
this, mediocrity will become your best friend.
When you become obsessed by what you do, the rest
of the world disappears; you are in flow every day as
you are doing what you love despite the costs. Start
blocking out the unimportant things in life right this
5. Learn to trust yourself
Learn to completely trust yourself. Let’s face it, people
are absolutely brilliant and love giving others advice on
what to do, what not to do and how to live. This is the
fastest road to confusion and unhappiness. Know what
is right for you and the more you trust yourself the
more easily it becomes to make decisions and choices
in line with your best interests. At one point, I was
receiving advice from so many well-intended advisors
on a daily basis, which left me feeling confused and
overwhelmed, not knowing which way to turn.
To refocus, recall the reasons you started. Ask
yourself: What is your highest purpose in life? You
know better than anyone what is good for you! This
does not mean you won’t make mistakes from time to
time. The key is to keep moving – momentum is
energy and creates more momentum.
6. Figure out how to play
the game of life your way
There are many roads to get you where you want to
go. You can achieve your goal irrespective if you are
working full-time or part-time. When I started out, I was
of the opinion that there was one road. Now, I have
come to realise that there are a million people making
a massive impact whilst working full-time. Leaving your
job to focus on your business does not automatically
create more success nor does it mean you are creating
more of an impact. Choose the right course of action
for you.

posted by Hari Krish

  1. Lauren Y says:

    Reblogged this on The Art of Becoming While Overcoming and commented:
    Must Read!


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